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Roots of Empathy launched in New Brunswick in 2002-2003.

Curriculum & Impact

In New Brunswick we provide programs in French and English. And we reach Indigenous children in several communities, including the Elsipogtog, Esgenoôpetitj, Eel Ground and Metepenagiag First Nations and Rexton Elementary, Meduxnekeag Consolidated and Andover Elementary schools which have children attending from Indian Island, Buctouche, Elsipogtog, Woodstock and Tobique.

Every year we ask teachers, students and our Roots of Empathy Instructors for their feedback on the program.  Here is a sample of what we’ve heard from teachers who hosted the program in their classrooms.

  • 91% of teachers strongly agreed or agreed that as a result of Roots of Empathy, students are more inclusive or accepting of others who are different from themselves (including culture, race, special needs, gender, etc.).
  • 87% of students reported learning that being a parent and caring for a baby is a lot of hard work

Recently (November 2023), Founder/President Mary Gordon was asked to give the keynote address at  Hope Restored/ L’espoir renaît: NB Trauma Conference 2023. Mary spoke of Collective Trauma, Collective Hope where she highlighted the cumulative effect of trauma and how empathy provides us with hope for the future. Read more here.


We’re grateful for the support of regional agencies which provide in-kind support by training volunteer Instructors and/or funding for training and materials to support Roots of Empathy.

New Brunswick Children’s Art 

For more information on our New Brunswick programming, contact: 

Darlene MacDonald
